The Dermology Acne solution is a revolutionary acne skin care system formulated to treat acne from the inside-out. The Dermology Acne Solution is not just another topical acne treatment product.
Look Slimmer, Darker, And Feel Incredible. While most self-tanners and sunless tanning products leave an unattractive "orange" finish, only a few products actually give you that beach body you've always wanted.
As part of our Dermology product line we have now developed a revolutionary new cream to be used as a preventative treatment for stretch marks before, during and after pregnancy.
There are a lot of acne treatment plans on the market, especially on the internet. But only a few people can testify that such treatments really work. Most of these treatment options are just ways for people to make money for themselves.
In situations where such treatments have been found to be ineffective, the simplest and the best solution is to adopt natural cures. Sometimes the most effective solutions are the simplest ones which we ignore. Natural acne cure is possible as many people have indicated that it was what helped them get rid of their pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. Here are a few things you can do to cure acne naturally.
Drink a lot of water
Water plays a very important role in acne development. When your body is dehydrated the skin becomes dry and the pores close up. This makes it possible for sebum to gather just below the skin. When this happens, the pores get clogged leading to acne. When you drink water, the pores open up and allow prevents sebum from accumulating below the skin. If you want to cure acne naturally, you must drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Whatever affects your skin plays a very important role in getting or curing acne.
Fruits and vegetable
Fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins and minerals that affect skin are necessary for a natural acne cure. If you want to get rid of acne naturally, you must be ready to cut down on the trouble causing foods and replace them with vegetables and fruits. Although new findings have cancelled a direct link between acne and fatty foods, such foods are still indirectly linked to acne development.
All vitamins play various roles in the general health of your skin. For example Vitamin A is helps in repairing damaged tissues and regulates the production of oil on the skin. Vitamin E is needed to prevent damages to the skin by the UV rays from the sun. Vitamin C helps in fighting infections in the body. Its role is critical in preventing secondary infections that come about through acne.
What you must know is that natural cures are what work for your body. You don't have to adopt what works for another person. You must try and understand your own body so that you can create what is natural for you. You don't have to suffer with acne. Once your skin clears, you'll feel so much better about yourself.
Acne is an embarrassing skin problem, especially for women. When you have acne on your face, you might panic and rush to find something to get rid of it. Before visiting a dermatologist, it is a good idea to consider using natural remedies. Natural acne remedies are easy to make and cheap, yet they are powerful. They can effectively cure acne and make your skin glow.
Here are some natural, fast acting acne remedies that you can try at home:
1. Apply a honey mask to heal minor blemishes on your face. Honey can also act as a disinfectant since it contains antibacterial properties. You can apply this mask once a week.
2. Use the acne soap to wash your face. When washing your face with this soap, don't scrub your skin using a rough cloth. Wash your face gently since over washing will only stimulate the growth of more acne. You can wash your face twice a day; when you wake up in the morning and before going to bed.
3. Keep your hair away from your face. Your scalp produces oil, which can drip down from your hair and trigger the growth of acne. You should also wash your hair every day.
4. Take multivitamin supplements to provide the nutrition that your body needs. When acne grows, it indicates that there is something wrong inside your body. Taking multivitamins will help your skin get enough nutrition.
5. Take a chromium supplement once a day to prevent acne from growing. Chromium is actually a supplement for weight loss but it can also heal skin infections.
6. Eat more carrots. Carrots contain vitamin A that will strengthen the skin's protective tissue and reduce sebum production. Lack of vitamin A will cause acne, therefore make sure that you consume enough vitamin A to keep your skin clear.
7. Wear a water-based make up so that your pores won't be clogged. You are more likely to get pimples when your pores are clogged.
8. Don't squeeze your pimples since it will only increase sebum production. When you squeeze pimples, you rupture the membranes below your skin and it can cause infection. This will cause sebum to spread and finally cause more pimples.
9. Wash your pillow case frequently. The pillow case absorbs the oils from your skin and re-applies them.
Acne home remedies are cheap and easy to make. We are bombarded by skin care product advertisements on television every day, but actually treating acne can be done naturally and easily at home.
Find the best source of natural Acne Home Remedies and Back Acne Home Remedies that work for you.
While there are many effective medications to treat acne, there are also natural remedies to acne. There is no need to always go and buy an expensive product, when most of the ingredients you need are already in your home. It's true that not all at home remedies work for acne, but it should be the first thing you try. If they don't work, then you may need to visit a dermatologist for specialized treatment. Lets consider a few home acne treatment remedies.
What do you think about lemon juice? Well, lemon juice can help you get rid of acne and prevent it from coming back. After you've washed your face to go to bed, and patted it dry. Take a cotton ball and dip it in lemon juice, and apply it all over your face. Let it dry overnight and rinse in the morning. If you noticed any burning, you may just need to dilute the lemon juice with a little water. However, don't add too much. This will make it less effective.
More natural remedies to acne include the use of honey, and it can be taken internally or used topically. Honey has been used for years to treat burns, wounds, and much more. Honey works the same way, because you need a clean face. Wash your face every morning and every night before you go to bed. After you've washed it well and patted it dry, apply a thin layer to your face. Be sure to warm the honey a little by placing a little in your hand and rubbing it together, before applying it.
These simple natural remedies to acne can leave your skin feeling better than any medication that you can buy. Amongst other effective natural remedies to acne is vegetables. Believe it or not, making vegetables and fruit dominant in every meal you eat plays a major role in clearing up acne. By eating more vegetables and fruits for about 6-12 weeks, you will notice a change in your skin. Not only will the acne go away, but your skin appears healthier and more radiant than before.
Whether you are just treating your acne or trying to improve your skin, more vegetables and fruits should be a permanent dominant item in your meals. Your beautiful skin will last much longer, and you can prevent future acne outbreaks. Who would have thought that natural acne remedies would include eating more vegetables, but it does.
One of the oldest natural remedies to acne is water, and it still is just as effective today. We are instructed to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day or more. Drinking plenty of water on a daily basis not only keeps your skin clear, but it also gives you a much better complexion. Water cleans our bodies from the inside out, allowing us to have better skin. Drink the required amount of water everyday, and you will soon start to notice the difference in your skin.
Are you looking for more acne remedies? Well, listen up! Did you know that carrot juice is full of skin healing properties? How are you able to benefit? The first thing you need to do is buy fresh carrots. wash them, juice them, and then drink a glass each day on an empty stomach. In a few weeks, not only will you see better skin, but you will also notice how fast the acne scars heal.
Dealing with acne can be frustrating and can definitely kill your confidence. However, the most difficult part to deal with is not knowing how to get rid of them. Try these natural remedies to acne and see results.
Are you searching for the secrets to clear skin? There is hope a cure is available. Here are some tips to get rid of the pimples fast. Check this out today.
Acne and the scars associated with it have been with us since the beginning of time. Because of this, there are a wide variety of natural remedies and cures that people have been using for centuries. Some of the natural treatments for acne scars are very effective, while others do very little or even nothing at all. So how do you know which ones work, and which ones are a waste of time? Below are some of the best all-natural treatments that will help reduce, or even eliminate your acne scars.
Lemon Juice For Scars
The idea of using lemons to treat your scars may seem a little odd, but it does work. This is probably the most cost-effective way to heal any scarring you may have on your face. All you need to do is get some fresh squeezed lemon juice or squeeze some yourself. You'll want to apply the lemon juice directly on your scars three times a day. This should be done for a minimum of six weeks. This simple but effective natural treatment for acne scars will fade your blemishes and soften your skin.
Treat Your Scarring With Aloe Vera
Another very effective natural treatment for acne scars is aloe vera. Aloe vera is usually purchased as a gel. It contains a wide variety of healing properties that will help restore damaged skin, soothes irritated skin, relieve the pain from burns, and reduce any scars caused by acne. Aloe vera gel should be applied directly on your scars 2 to 3 times every single day. It's tremendous healing properties will gradually reduce your scars and soothe any pain you may have.
Using Oils For Scars
There are a wide variety of oils people use to treat all kinds of skin conditions. However, some oils are extremely effective at reducing the signs of acne scars. Some of these oils are lavender,neroli, and Sage oils. Lavender oil is extracted from fresh flowers and it has tremendous healing properties that prevent tissue damage which makes it excellent for any type of scars. Neroli oil comes from the white waxy flowers of the bitter orange tree. Neroli oil will help regenerate your skin cells and is usually used as a preventative measure for acne related scars. Sage oil is extracted from dried leaves and he also has powerful regenerative properties. Sage oil is extremely effective and can even be used on very old and stubborn scars that have been on your skin for years. Some people have even found it very effective to use a combination of these oils to treat their scarring.
As you can see, there are a variety of natural treatments that can help prevent, reduce, or even eliminate acne scars from any part of your body. Finding the best natural treatment for acne scars is simply a matter of experimenting with the various treatments and seeing which one works best for your particular condition.
Are you looking for an effective Natural Acne Scar Treatment? Visit Acne Scarring Treatments for powerful information and reliable advice on healing your acne scars naturally.
Many people don't have the patience to lose cellulite gradually. Hence they resort to remedies such as surgery however they don't know that they can lose weight as well when they do surgery. And surgery is always not the means to an end.
Commonly, surgery is advised for people who have worst cellulite condition. Removing cellulite should not only concentrate on losing weight. The process should also be centered on making the skin smooth and firm. The stomach and the thigh are parts of the body prone to cellulite.
There are many women and men who think that losing fat will reduce cellulite but this is not the case. This is how cellulite is formed. It started to form when fats are accumulated between the connective tissues of the skin.
This results to stretched and distorted skin layers. The usual victims of cellulite are women and seldom on men. Cellulite puts pressure on the lymphatic system which is not able to get rid of the cellulite, fat cells and the toxins. There are other ways in order to remove cellulite aside from surgery. You should adhere to proper diet, do regular exercise, apply cellulite cream and you can also go for laser treatments.
In case of diet you should ideally give up junk and oily food and concentrate more on those foods that have natural vitamins. Fruits and vegetables have vitamins and minerals good enough to grow healthy skin. Eating unhealthy foods may lead to worst cellulite condition. To keep your skin hydrated and to get rid of the toxic wastes of the body, make sure to have enough water intake.
Protein rich foods like tuna and chicken are also helpful. Exercises should be concentrated on the belly and thighs and other parts of the body which are prone to cellulite. You can exercise for 30 minutes a day for at least 4 days a week. Do jogging, swimming and brisk walking. Aerobic exercises can increase the metabolism of your body.
Hence fats begin to burn faster. Healthy lifestyle means evading smoking and drinking caffeine. Choose only the refutable cream like Revitol, the renowned anti cellulite cream in the market. Revitol can be ordered online from anywhere in the world and it can be delivered to your doorstep. Get the chance of having a smooth and younger looking skin since it contains active ingredients that will help grow healthy skin tissues.
It absorbs all the fats in between the connective tissues so that the skin becomes tighter. Revitol is strongly recommended by dermatologists worldwide.
Omnilux Clear-U by Photo Therapeutics is a home light therapy for acne device, it uses LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) to effectively treat acne. This tool uses the two colors recommended for optimal acne skin care treatment: blue and red.
Blue light therapy is used to kill the acne bacteria that propagates in the skin by feeding on sebum which further causes inflammation and pimples. Indeed, acne develops because of blockages in follicles, sebum production increases and accumulates, clogging the sebaceous glands. Pimples and inflammation start to form.
The bacteria actually self destruct by absorbing light. In addition to killing acne bacteria, LED therapy can control sebum production.
Omnilux Clear-U is designed to treat mild to moderate acne in teens and adults, so common whiteheads and blackheads can be eliminated. Also inflammation that causes redness can be reduced with red light. With consistent use Omnilux Clear-U will eliminates current blemishes and prevent future breakouts to occur.
Red light therapy is the photo rejuvenation method used for anti aging too. This is the healing light, and it's been proven to renew skin cells, increase circulation, and stimulate healthy tissue growth so it is effective in minimizing acne scars too.
While many light therapy for acne devices only emit blue light, the Omnilux Clear-U is equipped with red and blue diodes. LED light therapy is safe and painless, the light is not coming from a laser so you will not get cuts or burns, and doesn't contain UVA or UVB rays which could worsen your condition.
It is recommended that you perform light therapy sessions at least twice a week for 8 weeks, alternating blue and red. One treatment should last 20 minutes. The effects of photo rejuvenation are cumulative so some users may want to treat their skin up to 4 times a week.
There is another Photo Therapeutics light therapy device for the treatment of aging skin, this is the Omnilux New-U. It uses red and infrared lights to trigger the natural healing process from inside. Using tools such as these removes the need of purchasing countless acne products, gels, lotions or creams.
LED Light Therapy is a technique used by dermatologists and spas, with professional equipment, to treat various skin concerns (aging, acne, hyper pigmentation, etc.). The Omnilux Clear-U is just a home version of these machines. You can now get an advanced acne treatment with a unit made by one of the world leader in the skin rejuvenation industry.
Getting rid of whiteheads is a pretty easy task once you find out the secrets to clear skin. When you look into the mirror do you see ugly, disfigured looking skin. I know for many years I have dealt with these problems almost doing anything to get rid of my whiteheads. Yes we all know there are many articles, remedies, prescriptions out there that people claim work but really do not.
By reading this article you will obtain the information needed to be on your way to perfect skin and no more whiteheads. Lets look then at how we can get rid of these whiteheads naturally.
Exercise- This is a hidden technique, even though many people say stay away from exercise, this is false. You want to exercise because it oxygenates your skin and makes your skin firmer and better looking.Ask yourself this question, How come I can not get rid of my whiteheads and acne? Simple, for a couple reasons:
1. You were given the wrong information by commercials and products that simply do not work.
2. You were always trying to find the miraculous cure within 3 days.
3. You believed that your acne would disappear by itself.
4. You never had a consistent powerful Natural Acne Fighting Face Regimen that Actually Works.
5. You never thought that anything other than pills or medications can work for you.
Remember the only way to cure your acne and whiteheads successfully is the all natural way, a Proven Holistic Acne Cure. Why do think all these products and medications are out there? For Business Of Course. Without your money they can not survive. So do you want to keep spending your money on useless junk products or try a clinically proven cure for acne? Click on the highlighted link above to be on your way to an acne free face FOR LIFE.
The mystery of zits and their cause is slowly unfolding, or so we hope. What causes them and how to cure your zits, or at least make them disappear as soon as we possibly can, are answers almost all of us look for. Especially if the blemish shows up in the middle of our face, we all wish we had some magical machine to instantly zap! it away.
The Cause
To pinpoint the cause, or causes of your zits will help you to find a solution. The main cause of zits is excessive sebum production. What causes this excess, you will have to watch and listen to the signs of your body and what is causing the breakout or breakouts. There are many causes for your breakouts, not necessarily by only foods you eat. This could be anything from what you are eating in your diet, to stress, to what you are putting on your face in terms of lotions and creams, as well as a possibility of being allergic to something you ate. Once you have an idea of what causes you to breakout, you will also be much more educated and attuned to what your body needs to stay in its best shape and health for your personal self.
The zits on your face let you know that there is something in your lifestyle that needs to be changed and areas that you should pay more attention to. Are your organs functioning appropriately, and is your self-esteem balanced? These are just some of the areas to think about if you want to start gaining control of your face, gain control of your lifestyle.
The Cure
The problem may not be in the acne cures, which many people rely on to solve using medicinal treatments. These treatments can take up to three months to start working and are not an instant cure. Changing from one product to another before three months, will not give the medication a change to work properly. Most of the time, as mentioned previously, the issue could be lifestyle habits that need to be looked into as well. Medication helps temporarily, but doesn't get to the bottom of the real issues. Buying different medications to find out what works, can be expensive as well.
Perhaps try working on a lifestyle change, thinking positive and promoting good self esteem, exercise regularly at least 3 times a week. Exercise relieves stress and helps remove toxins from the body by sweating, and thus exercise could be the acne cure you are looking for. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and drink plenty of water. Good hygiene is also important, washing your face on a regular basis. The type of creams you use on your face can affect what clogs them and what doesn't. Use a gel based moisturizer rather than a cream base. Don't squeeze or pop a zit as it causes the bacteria to spread and can cause scarring as well. Try not to touch your hands on your face, as the oils on them can contribute to acne.
Medical Issues
Perhaps you have excessive acne that comes in occasional breakouts, this could be caused by a food allergy that needs to be looked into and treated by a doctor. Some people who have acne breakouts, are actually allergic to something they ate. Check with a doctor to find out what foods you are allergic to, and eliminating these from your diet will most likely cure the acne.
Helping us to understand the mystery of the zit and becoming knowledgeable as to what can cause them and how we can control them is very important in being able to cure them as well. Most of the time this is just a habit of lifestyle, other times it could be a medical reason, or an allergy to something we ate. Zits signal to us that something is wrong and letting us know we need to fix whatever that something may be.
Kacie Zapedzki is an online marketer and writes articles about various topics. For more information about this and other topics please visit http://www.daydreamsandreality.com/getarticle/acne/index.html
Price: $35.70
Proactiv Solution is an acknowledged celebrity certified acne treatment system aimed at giving you that peach and cream complexion you've always craved for. It professes to be the answer for acne that works for everybody regardless of age, skin type or acuteness of your acne. Proactiv asserts to be different because it prevents future breakouts before they even appear on your skin - while other products only target getting rid of the existing acne. This 3-step system promises to clear up acne and improve the appearance of the skin.
Proactiv Solution was the brain child of Dr. Kathy Fields and Dr. Katie Rodan. It is formulated to function with all types of skin. Proactive hit the market for the first time in 1995. Today, it is available through Guthy-Renker and can also be obtained by phone or by placing an online order. Fresh Proactive customers commence their course of therapy with the Renewing Cleanser which consists of small exfoliating beads that are intended to eliminate impurities and dead cells from the skin surface. The cleanser also works deep down into the pores. The Proactive Renewing Cleanser treatment is to be used in the morning and evening. In some cases there is could be a possibility of burning, itching, redness, skin peeling and swelling. Proactive users also utilize the alcohol free Revitalizing Toner which aims at cleaning the pores and removing oiliness. It is made of natural ingredients like aloe and witch hazel herbs and is also to be applied twice daily.
The third stage of the Proactive treatment regimen is the Repairing Lotion. This is again an oil free product aimed at healing any existing blemishes and helps stop the growth of new acne. Just like the first two products, this one is also supposed to be used in the morning and at night. Just in case this product does not agree with the consumer's skin, Proactiv's green tea moisturizer could be used as an alternative.
Consumers interested in purchasing Proactive can choose between bundle kits or individual product packs. Three piece kits, that give the consumer a 30 day trial of the treatment, cost around $20. The Repairing Lotion is available in a two ounce size bottle for approximately $22 while the cleanser and toner can be bought for about $15 each.
All acne treatments produce varied results and hence receive mixed reviews. Proactive is also not out of the ordinary. The three stage system has won its share of positive reviews as well as pessimistic ones. Even though the product's website quotes a success rate of 85%, it is in sharp contrast to only 42% visitors recommending it in a famous acne forum.
It is actually impossible to predict the result of not only Proactiv but of any acne treatment product because it involves so many aspects and the outcome is so subjective. So having a shot at Proactiv will involve finding a satisfactory outcome by experimenting with the product and eliminating failures. Hence if you are willing to invest in a trial bundle, it could be well worth your money spent.
Proactiv is a relatively new acne-fighting system for people with both minor and major skin issues. Know more about Proactiv and read about Proactiv Reviews.
Price: $9.09
Price: $7.14
The fight against acne can be a difficult one and finding a product or method to reduce or eliminate these skin blemishes can be very time-consuming and expensive. There are so many pharmaceutical companies that develop and release new products to fight acne that it becomes overwhelming trying to figure out which product or treatment to use. One of those products is Proactiv® from Guthy-Renker. This article discusses various Proactive reviews, the product itself and independent testimonials to help you determine if it is the best acne treatment for you.
Causes of Acne
Our skin is constantly going through a process of shedding dead skin cells as new skin develops and producing oil to keep the skin moisturized. Acne develops when excess oil and the dead skin cells plug the hair follicle pores. This in turn, allows bacteria to grow behind the plugged follicle pore, which triggers inflammation and swelling. The result is an acne blemish. Cystic acne is a more severe form characterized by large red cysts that appear on the face, back or chest.
The Proactive Product
The 3 step skin care regimen begins with their Renewing Cleanser. This is an oil and soap free medicated exfoliating cleanser that kills bacteria with prescription-grade benzoyl peroxide.
Step 2 involves using the Revitalizing Toner, which is alcohol-free and contains glycolic acid to exfoliate dead skin cells. The toner also soothes and hydrates the skin using a botanical rich formula.
The final step is the Repairing Treatment which is a light, medicated lotion that kills acne-causing bacteria. It also contains benzoyl peroxide as the antimicrobial compound.
The Proactive Reviews: Best Acne Treatment?
The Proactive reviews and testimonials available from the manufactures website include comments from a user who claims after struggling with acne for 5 years and found no progress with over-the-counter products, that once she started using Proactive she started seeing a difference after just 3 days. In fact, there are quite a few Proactive reviews from users with before and after pictures. Some show quite a dramatic improvement.
Yet, other sites containing Proactive reviews appear to favor other products for their ability to fight acne. While scoring in the top 10 of tested products, Proactive scored 7th for overall effectiveness in one comparison. Murad Acne Complex and Exposed Skincare both scored higher in one of the reviews I researched, as did Dermagist and Acnezine in two other online Proactive reviews.
What might account for these differences? The truth is there are many factors that can lead to acne outbreaks on the skin, including fluctuations in hormonal balance, skin type, diet, and the use of cosmetics. Given this, it should be no surprise that the best acne treatment for one person may not work for another person. One thing I've learned from reading various Proactive reviews is that Proactive is more effective for sensitive skin, and is considered a more gentle treatment as opposed to an aggressive one. There are several acne fighting chemicals Proactive does not contain including Salicylic Acid (for unclogging pores), Sulfur (for drying sebum) and Azelaic Acid (for normalizing skin).
As you research further into the myriad of acne products available, it makes good sense to keep track of the active ingredients and their percentages within the medication. If an acne medication you are trying is not effective, try something with other or additional (or perhaps less) active ingredients. Be sure to consult a dermatologist should your acne become severe.
I know how hard it is to get rid of acne and make your skin nice and clear the way it used to be, but if you want to really clear up your skin you'll need to learn as many methods as you can to find the ones that work best for you. Be sure to read other articles related to Proactive reviews to learn more about the many options available for treating acne.
If you've been struggling with cystic acne or other types of acne, don't give up hope, it's NOT impossible to get clear skin again.
Though there is no guarantee you will have an acne free complexion, by establishing these healthy habits into your life, will not only help prevent the embarrassment of acne outbreaks but will support a healthier lifestyle which has recognized for years by experts in the field of complexion science as proactive measures when facing acne.
Drink Lots Of Water - Drinking a minimum of 48 oz. of water or more a day will prevent dehydration and help the body to flush out accumulated toxins that build up in the body due to food processing and preserving methods of the 21st century. A consistent intake of water throughout the day will keep your skin naturally healthy and elastic without putting a strain on the sebaceous glands to produce too much or too little oil as your skin naturally needs.
Enjoy 4 to 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day - These foods provide a natural amino acid balance. A healthy amino acid balance provides the platform for protein building and stabilizing the bodies chemical reactions which includes acne outbreaks.
Keep away from harsh facial cleansers - There is no reason to scrub or strip the skin in an attempt to maintain an acne free complexion, if you already have one. Those harsher cleansers literally pull out natural oils causing the sebum to work harder to compensate for the now overly dry skin; creating an open invitation for an acne outbreak. Look for facial friendly soaps especially ones that contain green tea or honey. Gentle cleansing is key.
For women, choose your make-up carefully - Some types of make-up will draw moisture out of your skin like a sponge which once again causes a knee-jerk type reaction in the oil producing glands that can cause them to release too much sebum (natural oils) to compensate for the over dried skin condition. Another tip -don't try to save money with moisturizers. Good quality moisturizers like Oil of Olay will actually support an acne free complexion.
Watch how your face reacts to the types of food you eat - Here is where genetics plays a role in a propensity toward acne. The most common acne producing foods are caused by mild allergies to cow's milk and other dairy products, grains, gluten and chocolate. Maintain an objective distance from suspected foods, and eliminate them based on your skins reaction.
Change your bed sheets frequently - If you are prone to sweating a lot at night, change your sheets once every couple of days (or more) to prevent exposing yourself to potential bacterial growth from the moisture left on the pillow case and sheets.
An acne free complexion may be as simple as developing these 6 pro-active preventative habits, especially if other family members have expressed problems with acne through pubescence and beyond. Beat acne to its ugly punch with these acne free proactive tips.
If you find yourself struggling with acne outbreaks, though topical creams and lotions will work, the holistic approach to acne treatment is to understand that acne is only a symptom for something being out of balance or overworked in your body. By treating this imbalance you can eliminate acne once and for all. For more about this inside-out acne treatment - visit http://skintreatmentforacne.org/
The most commonly prescribed severe back acne treatment is Accutane. While Accutane can be effective as a severe back acne treatment, it is not without risks. It does work effectively in several ways.
First, it reduces the size of the oil glands found in the skin and thus reduces the oil that those glands produce. Due to the fact that the bacteria that causes acne lives in the oil that is produced in the skin, the reduction of the oil also reduces the production of the bacteria. Accutane also slows down skin cell production from within the pore and this helps to reduce pore clogs which also leads to acne.
Accutane also acts as an anti inflammatory agent. Generally, Accutane causes the acne to worsen initially and it can take over a month for the person who is taking the medication to notice any improvement at all. Soon, however, there is a remission period where there is no acne at all. It is often at this point that people will discontinue use of the medication; however, some people suffer a relapse and have to take a second course of treatment.
Back acne can be one of the most stubborn forms of acne, and it is much more difficult to eradicate it. People often become discouraged when they see no noticeable changes with treatment, but it is those who settle in for the long term with a course of treatment that will see an improvement.
Severe back acne treatment is one of the most common complaints among young males, but also some females. For those who have back acne, it is also likely that they will have acne on their chest, shoulders, arms, buttocks and legs. This is why a good overall treatment is advised.
Accutane does have some side effects, including headaches, dry skin, abdominal pain, suicidal thoughts, joint pain, bleeding gums, behavioral changes, diarrhea, depression, nausea and vomiting, skin rash and rectal bleeding. The behavioral changes can be the most alarming, especially in young males, and it is often a major deterrent for people to take this medication.
Good personal hygiene is one of the best ways to reduce bacne breakouts. If you tend to work out a lot, make sure that you shower and change into clean cotton clothing. Avoid wearing clothes that are tight fitting and change your bed sheets a couple of times weekly. If you can, sleep with no clothing on so that your skin is open to the air which also helps to reduce bacne. You can also wash with a salicylic acid based cleanser that will help to reduce bacteria.
Aside from getting regular exercise, drink plenty of fresh water and eat a good healthy diet. Refined and processed foods are definitely things to avoid, you should eat plenty of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats.
Taking a prescription medication should be a last resort for most people, because of the intensity of side effects and the health risks that they impose.
Michael Gutierrez was a long time sufferer of back acne until he used this back acne treatment that finally helped him get rid of his back acne for good.
He's also written a lot of helpful articles, such as this one for people that have questions on how to get rid of back acne naturally. These simple ideas have helped many people like yourself cure back acne.
You Are Mightier Than A Pimple
Many individuals get caught up believing that with clear skin they would instantly be more popular and more successful. But the truth is many of the things they aspire to be could be accomplished even when struggling with an acne problem. Heaping the blame on something that happens because of biology and genetics diminishes one's ability to make positive choices. Remember that you will always have an active hand in your situation. Acne is a passing distraction and does not have to control your life.
Sleep Soundly and Often
The power of being fully rested is often underestimated, but this is a simple activity that can also help keep acne break-outs at bay. Adequate sleep regulates your mood and prompts a stable release of serotonin that offsets negative feelings and emotions. Stress is a big factor in keeping clear skin because it could unbalance your internal systems and may cause break-outs. A good eight to nine hours a day helps keep the acne away.
Find Your Niche
Your strong suit is also a source of confidence and enjoyment. Being good at something and accomplishing small things makes you feel happy and secure. So work on something that you are passionate about, it could be dance, music, theater, digital mastery or sports. Acne does not have to rob you of a full rich lifestyle. Get up and be interested in something everyday.
Develop A Diet With A Purpose
Researchers have been finding connections between acne and the consumption of over processed or starchy junk foods. Another danger in fast food is the high sugar and fat content. Sugar causes mood swings and intensifies negative feelings. Fill your diet with fruits and vegetables that nourishes the skin while keeping you fit and healthy. Acne is like a parasite that lives off abused digestive systems. Learn to stave it out of existence be eating healthy.
Be A Part Of The Beauty All Around
Indulge in small things that make you happy. A fun movie night with your friends, an artsy manicure, a good grade for a hard subject, a sweet message from someone you love, these are simple things that make you feel good about yourself. Acne should not keep you from enjoying the small pleasures in life.
Work With The Person You Are Now
Don't think of yourself as sadly lacking in looks, talent and social standing. Because if you indulge in these negative mindsets you are constantly selling yourself short. If you don't like yourself then how do you expect people to like you? Jesus Christ said in scripture, "you must love your neighbor as yourself." Does that tell us that we have qualities that are worth sharing with others. Of course it does. Loving who you are will make you happier and more contented. Knowing this will make you more sociable and likable. Acne does not have to take this away.
Be Grateful and Show It With Smiles
Smiling is contagious, so you can spread happiness while attaining your own. A great smile also sparks interest in other people. They will be keener in trying to get to know someone who projects an outgoing and friendly vibe. Focus on the things that make you thankful. It could be your parents, you friends, the roof over your head or your health. There are numerous blessings to feel grateful for and thinking about them will instantly make your outlook brighter. Walk with your head up and your shoulders back so as to exert a measure of pride about yourself. Don't let acne steal your sense of self-worth.
Seek The Company of Positive People
Be with happy friends and family. The people around you shape your outlook in life and often sets your mood for the day, so be in the company of individuals you like or admire. People who are too critical and negative need to be avoided. To quote scripture again, "bad associations spoil useful habits." You can run with rats or soar with eagles. Your choice, but positive attitudes and outgoing personalities are contagious. Do not let acne stop you from making the best of friends. Or from being the best son, brother, daughter or sister. Widen out and the whole world will be open to you.
Stanley Davenport will provide more guidelines to help prepare your heart and mind to cope and deal successfully with the stigma associated with acne at the Acne Relief Clinic. The real secret to removing acne as an obstacle to gaining social acceptance is not so much taking care of the outside as it is an inside job. Go to http://www.acnereliefclinic.com/ to discover how to completely cleanse your life and your body from the emotionally damaging effects of acne. You can be a better person by accepting the challenge of eliminating the causes of acne by taking in the knowledge waiting for you at http://www.acnereliefclinic.com/. Go there now!
There are 2 types of folks that play in the sun; those that use sunscreen and those that wish they had.
We have all heard that sunscreen is a must to cut the risk of melanoma (skin cancer), premature aging and minimizing skin blemishes, but does any of us really know when, where and how sunscreen is to be used?
Be uninformed no more. This money saving and SPF savvy information I'm about to share with you regarding the meaning of ratings on sunscreen bottles will no longer be just a stinging in your eye irritation but a skin protection method that is well worth the time it takes to read this.
Let's start with those SPF numbers and claims. Browse the shelves and you will see levels rated from 15 to 30 to 80 SPF (Sun Protection Factor). This basically means, if you can naturally play in the sun for 10 minutes before starting to burn, with the SPF lotion marked with a 30, once it smeared on your body, it will extend that burn risk to 300 minutes or about 5 hours.
Now, here's the kicker-SPF only protects against UV B rays which are the rays that cause sun burn on the skin but no-one bothers to tell you that the UV A rays which are the rays that burrow deeper into the skin, and though they don't cause a topical burn, those bad "A's" create just as much risk for cancer and skin aging as the "B's". Really?When have you ever heard that?
So Rule Number 1 when buying a sunscreen is to look for a product that uses the words "broad spectrum protection." This is the code for the lotion that will shield against those dangerous A and B rays.
Next, think about it. The math I mentioned sets the burn time for a lotion's protection. To buy the more expensive 85% SPF protection is: mmm, 10 minutes in the sun before I naturally start burning, times 85 (the SPF number on the bottle) gives me 850 minutes of pure full sun pleasure! That's 14 hours of sun protection - if I don't play in the water, roll in the sand or use my towel to dry off.
My point is, the higher the SPF rating the more you will pay. It's really a money making ploy to prey on uninformed sun worshipers - stick to SPF 30 to 50 and you will be fine. Anything over that, is over kill.
The last rule of sunscreen fun is; Put it on right! The most common spots missed are:
Back of the neckShoulder bladesBridge of the noseNew bathing suit lineTop of the earsNot only where, but how you apply the lotion is important. Slather it on. It should take a squeeze about the size of a ping-pong ball to cover the body, with a little more added to get to those neglected spots.
Put sunscreen on a minimum of 1/2 hour before going out to play. This is the time the lotion needs to seep into the lower level of skin. Once outside, depending on the activity re-apply the lotion after swimming, toweling off or sweating. For everyone else, a top off spread every 2 hours is recommended.
Since this is an article which mentions acne in the title, one might be wondering what can the sun do to acne - does it help to heal or harm to hurt? The brief answer is: It depends.
When exposing acne to sun the rules of protection do not change. And, based on the bodies chemical makeup and individual skin reactions that cause acne in the first place, the way your face will react to sunscreen is unique to the temperament of your skin.
After a few hours in the sun, it may look like your acne is getting better, but it could be the sun has reddened the uninfected skin neutralizing the redness of the acne by blending it in with the rest of your now sun burned face.
Don't mis-understand, everyone needs Vitamin D for over all health and since the sun is the best way to get this valuable vitamin, sun is a good thing, in moderation - but there is no indication that the sun will cure acne.
The only way to cure acne is to address the root cause which is, in most cases, acne is "the bodies way of telling you something is wrong." Visit Skin Treatment For Acne to find out more about your body and its relationship to acne.
I have tolerated acne throughout my life time. Starting with adolescence, through child bearing and on off and on through life...until now. In the past, the treatment has been creams and soaps mixed with patience while riding through the embarrassing outbreaks.
Turns out those topical creams were simply that, topical and temporary. The real treatment is the one that will cure acne - which I have done. It started by my understanding that acne is only a symptom for something not quite right with my body. From there I started making simple life habit changes and wow - no more acne, along with other wonderful results. To read more about my journey and the product I use to cure acne visit:
Acne is a term that is used to describe blemishes on the skin and although it is popularly known for appearing on the face, it could also appear on the shoulder, back and other parts of the body. This skin blemish is also known by other names which are pimples and blackheads and it is usually divided into two categories which are mild and severe.
When it is mild, we are looking at just a few pimples on the face etc., and when it is severe, we are not only dealing with an increase in the numbers of red spots, but we are also talking about them being larger in size and in some cases they are painful.
On the other hand, our bodies produce its own skin oil and this is called Sebum. This oil helps to keep the body healthy and well moist and this is one of the key components in the forming of acne.
The connection between this skin blemish and Sebum is that sometimes our bodies may produce too much oil at one time and when this occurs, with the help of dead cells on the body, they block or clog the pores on our skin. Now that the pores are clogged, if bacteria manage to make its way into it, it will cause the skin to rise and thereby resulting in boils etc.
Our hormones have a lot to do with the excess production of Sebum and teenagers are in a period of their lives in which their hormones may cause the increase in oil production to occur. However, this does not end after teenage hood, no, in fact whenever there is an increase in hormone activities, the possibility of acne occurring increases and this could be seen during a female's monthly cycle.
How to Handle It
In most cases, that is, when this blemish is mild, there is not much that is necessary in the way of treatment. All that may be needed is a gently soap, water and a cream such as Benzac and in some cases, keeping the hair on our heads away from our faces, shoulders etc. and before we know it, they are gone.
On the other hand though, in severe cases, it may require a prescription from a Dermatologist, because they may even leave scars on the body.
Keep It at Bay
Although there is not much that can be done in the way of preventing acne from occurring, there are things that could be done to help in the reduction of it and two of these things are as follows.
Most often than not, from the time we were little children, we would have heard our parents telling us to always wash our hand before we eat and that we should not touch our skin, especially our faces with dirty hands and this advice is still very vital.
We should wash our hands with a gentle soap and water, as often as possible and after doing an activity that would have caused us to sweat excessively, taking a bath as quickly as possible is also advisable.
Angela Linton has been writing on various topics online since 2006. Her website Bread For Food http://sites.google.com/site/jillylinton/ has something for the entire family. You could also sign up to be notified when Angela has written an article on EzineArticles.
I became interested in nutritional and natural skin care not, ironically 10 years ago when my husband and I added a certified esthetician and skin care line to our busy Health and Wellness Center but a year or so later when I got diagnosed with some hormone imbalances. On my first trip to a wonderful holistic Ob/Gyn she prescribed a bioidentical progesterone cream for me. When I questioned her about why the cream instead of a pill she explained that in pill form the hormone has to travel through your digestive system where some of it's strength is lost. The cream applied to your skin is a direct route into your blood stream.
My light bulb moment happened later that evening when fresh out of a steamy shower with pores wide open I went to apply my favorite moisturizer to my body and I heard her words again that when applied to your body the cream/lotion has a direct route to your blood stream. I read the ingredients on my lotion. Most of them I had never really heard of and few of them I could even pronounce. The next day led me to my computer for research and what has become a 7 year quest to learn what I was really putting into my and my families bodies and the safest, most effective ways to do it otherwise.
According to the American Association of Dermatologists acne is one of the most common skin complaints and roughly 80% of all Americans between the ages of 12 and 45 will suffer to some degree from it. Acne is an inflammatory skin disorder that causes pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and the ever dreaded under grounders. Acne is also a message sent out by your body that something is off with your body chemistry, diet and or skin care routine. Good nutritional choices, natural supplementation and natural, gentle effective skin care products are all you need to be rid of the problem forever.
The foundation to any skin care regime is good nutrition. You've heard the old adage, "You are what you eat." This principle applies in great degree to your skin as well. Think junk going in = junk coming out. Adopting a diet that is free from sugar, processed foods and hydrogenated oils will be the surest way to clear up your skin permanently. A diet that is high in vegetables, especially raw ones, low in processed grains, low in saturated fats, low in animal products and free from high sugar high fat processed foods has been shown in studies to permanently eliminate acne in as little as 12 weeks. Juicing raw vegetables is a great way to speed up this process and help quickly detoxify your skin. (See skin care juicing at the end of the article)
A primarily plant based diet is a great foundation for not only any skin care concerns you may have but most all other health care problems you may be suffering as well.
It may be particularly helpful to try to eliminate dairy from your diet for a few months to see if you if you could have possibly developed an allergy to dairy. Even if you do not have a dairy allergy the high fat content of milk can aggravate any acne condition. Today's dairy products are also so loaded with hormones and steroids that can upset the body's natural hormonal balance that it's a good idea just to avoid them all together for yourself and your family. A good substitute is Almond milk. It comes in sweetened, unsweetened, vanilla and chocolate. Our family prefers the unsweetened, unflavored original and have come to find that we even prefer the taste over regular milk.
For acne suffers it is particularly important to try to avoid all forms of sugar. Sugar severely impairs the bodies immune function and makes it harder for the skin to rid itself of toxins and heal properly. Biopsies have shown that lots or acne lesions contain glucose. Researches have named this "skin diabetes" and found that many acne sufferers do not metabolize sugar correctly. Chromium which improves insulin sensitivity has been shown to help this condition. Magnesium may also help defeat insulin resistance.
It is very important for people with acne to drink at least 8-10 glasses of quality water every day. Some medical professionals have dubbed the skin "your third kidney." Being the single largest organ of the body one of the skin's primarily functions is to eliminate toxic waste through sweating. If the body contains too many toxins the liver and the kidneys can get over worked at which point the skin has to take over. As the toxins escape through the skin it's once healthy appearance is disrupted. You can effectively continue to detox your body and skin by sweating through exercise and/or sauna treatments and replacing the lost fluids with clean quality water. A noteworthy skin care expert and make-up maven was quoted on a national talk show as saying, "An hour at the gym will do more for your skin then a day at the dermatologist."
What should I take
A good probiotic formula will help replenish essential bacteria and reduce outbreaks.Essential fatty acids (flaxseed oil and primrose oil are good choices) Correcting an this imbalance alone can have an impressive effect on acne.Potassium deficiency has been associated with acne.Full spectrum vitamin B the anti-stress vitamins improve blood flow to the skin, is important for healthy skin tone. Deficiencies have been associated with acne.Chromium Picolinate aids in reducing infections of the skin.Vitamin D3 promotes healing and tissue repair.Garlic destroys bacteria and enhances immune function. It is also rich in Selenium, B6, and zinc and aids in detoxification making it an all around winner.Vitamin C promotes immune response, reduces inflammation and is used for collagen repair of the skin. The buffered type is preferred.Milk thistle, red clover and dandelion leaves are all effective against acne. Milk thistle aids the liver in cleansing the blood. This is a great place to start with your acne program as a liver that is not supported can have a hard time breaking down and clearing out excess hormones from the body as it should and can worsen acne.Zinc is an antibacterial and needed for the oil producing glands of the skin to stay healthy. A diet low in zinc may promote flare ups. Foods rich in zinc include pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, garlic, sesame seeds, watermelon seeds, wheat germ, squash seeds and chickpeas.How should I care for my skin?
Try to stick with the most natural chemical free skin care cleansers.Look for all natural cleansers at your health food store with sulfur in it.Wash your skin throughly but gently and no more then twice a day.Over washing and vigorous scrubbing will make your acne worse by over stimulating the sebaceous glands causing them to over produce sebum.Use a natural good quality toner to maintain the skin's pH balance or make your own using 10 parts water and 1 part apple cider vinegar.Resist the urge to pick or pop pimples. This can spread bacteria and cause permanent scars. This should only be done by a qualified esthetician.Tea tree oil is an excellent antibiotic and antiseptic. It can be dabbed full strength on blemishes up to three times a day.Lavender oil is another good antibiotic and antiseptic and can also be applied directly to pimples. It not only kills germs but also stimulates new cell growth.Things to consider
For severe acne following a juice fasting and detox program can be helpful for healing acne.
Following an anti-candida diet and cleanse program since yeast over growth is one of the leading causes of acne especially in adults.
Finding a spa in your area who utilizes high frequency treatments.The safe and gentle oscillating, oxygenating power of high frequency electrical current has been shown to enhance blood circulation, increase collagen and elastin production, eliminate toxins and acne-causing bacteria, encourage lymphatic drainage, exfoliate dead skin cells and improve skin care product absorption.Spending just a few minutes in the sun each day without sunscreen or make up can greatly improve acne.
What to avoid
Strong oral antibiotics can have serious side effects and cause an overgrowth of candida which can worsen acne in the long run.
Benzoyl Peroxide containing products are not only loaded with harmful chemicals but are also extremely drying which can lead to excess oil production. Research has shown that a 5% solution of tee tree oil was just as effective as a 5% solution of benzoyl peroxide in treating acne.
The drug Accutane is known to cause dry skin, nose bleeds, headaches, joint and muscle pain. It's most dangerous side effect is that it can cause serious birth defects in children even after two months of discontinuing use. In some cases it has also been known to cause depression and other mental disorders. The Archives of Dermatology have recently found that it may also cause bone density loss.
Avoid wearing make up as much as possible and when you have to opt instead of oil based make up for either mineral make up or water based natural products.
Juicing for Acne
Excess toxins in the body can cause your pores to be clogged up. One of the most effective ways to deal with this problems is by juicing fresh fruit and vegetable juices.
You would never be able to eat the amount of vegetables in a day that you are able to consume by juicing them. You are essentially extracting the vital vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes of fruit and vegetables and discarding the fiber. By removing fiber, the juice is able to be quickly absorbed into the body and be put to maximum use in the body.
When you eat whole fruit and vegetables, it can take up to several hours of digestion before beneficial nutrients enter the bloodstream. Many of the enzymes and other nutrients are also used up or destroyed by digestion. Juicing maximizes nutrient uptake and maximizes the health effect.
Carrot juice is an excellent blood cleanser and helps to clear and beautify the skin. Being an alkalizer, it helps to clear acidic conditions in the body. One of the toxic conditions that cause acne is known as acidosis. Acidosis is simply, an excess of acid in the body tissue and in the blood. One of the symptoms of acidosis is when the body tries to eliminate impurities through the skin.
Cucumber juice is known as a natural diuretic. It also assists carrot juice in getting rid of toxins, salt, and excess water. When your water tension is released, the pressure on the skin cells is also released which was causing pressure on your pores and making them close up.
Together, carrot and cucumber juice mixed and drunk several times a day are an excellent weapon against acne.
You can also try any of the other vegetables in any combination that you like and come up with your own favorite. I tend to use carrots as the base for most of my juices. They have a natural sweetness that balances some of the other root vegetables. They are also inexpensive to purchase in bulk and most all supermarkets sell organic juicing carrots. Try mixing them with
Kale which is loaded with vitamins and nutrients and is also a leader in cancer preventionSpinach which is packed with vitamin A, vitamin K and iron makes excellent juice.Beets are one of my personal favorites because they are such an excellent detoxifier and blood cleanser. Be aware that juicing beets can cause your urine or stool to turn red the first few times. It is nothing to be alarmed about and as your body starts to retain iron better this should stop occurring.I also like to add lemons and a slice of fresh ginger to my juice. In addition to the health and cleansing benefits I like the fresh zing it adds to my morning juice.Just remember to take it slowly at first when starting to juice. You will be filling your body with very powerful cleansers and detoxifiers. If you go to fast you will experience detox symptoms like headache, joint pain, nausea and flu like symptoms. While these symptoms are uncomfortable they are a great sign that your body has begun the detoxification process. You don't, however, want to overload your system with a bunch of toxins that it is not able to eliminate quickly enough. If you do experience these symptoms and they are too uncomfortable just cut back on the amount of juice and slowly build it back up and again. It is very important while you are juicing to remember to keep up your water intake to help your body quickly eliminate the newly released toxins that are swirling around in your system.
Acne Masks to Make at Home
Many acne sufferers have had great success with these easy to make recipes.
Baking Soda Mask
Simply make a paste of baking soda (not baking powder) and apply a thin layer to your face. Let the mask sit for 10-15 minutes and rinse. Your face will be left soft and clean and redness will diminish just be sure to moisturize afterwards as this mask can be a bit drying.
Aspirin Mask
Aspirin is salicylic acid the main ingredient in most acne products and works wonders on acne for a fraction of the cost. This can be used as a whole face mask or a spot treatment. Simply crush up three or four aspirins and add water to form a paste. Leave on face for 10-15 minutes for a mask or as long as you like for a spot treatment.
Sea Salt Mask
Every time you spend a weekend at the beach your acne clears up significantly thanks to a combination of the sun and salt water. You can reap these same benefits in the comfort of your own home by dissolving some pure sea salt in water and either making it into a thicker mask or putting it in a spray bottle and spritzing it on. This works great for body acne as well.
Egg White Mask
Although this is my secret weapon for tightening my face for a big event or night out, many acne sufferers have reported amazing results from this as well and you get the added bonus of tightened skin. Separate an organic egg white from it's yolk and discard the yolk. Whip the egg white until frothy. I suggest leaning over the sink to spread the egg white on you face and keeping a towel handy because it can be quite runny for the first few minute. Leave the egg white on until it dries completely. You will be able to feel it pulling the skin. Rinse with cool water.
Benonite Clay
Benonite clay can be found in most health food stores and works great for pulling toxins from the skin. It works best when mixed with apple cider vinegar and can be used as either a mask or spot treatment.
According to the American Association of Dermatologists acne is one of the most common skin complaints and roughly 80% of all Americans between the ages of 12 and 45 will suffer to some degree from it. Acne is an inflammatory skin disorder that causes pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and the ever dreaded under grounders. Acne is also a message sent out by your body that something is off with your body chemistry, diet and or skin care routine. Good nutritional choices, natural supplementation and natural, gentle effective skin care products are all you need to be rid of the problem forever.
Having suffered from acne for many years and having tried many different acne treatments I found it a very frustrating condition. However after years of searching for an acne solution I did eventually learn what I needed to know in order to finally get rid of my acne forever.
I tried everything from going to my doctor and being prescribed antibiotics which worked for a short time, to more potent acne treatments including Accutane. Accutane worked for a few months but my acne came back worse than ever after this treatment.
After the many failed treatments I started to read up on natural acne cures. There is a lot of information about how to naturally cure acne that simply doesn't work and most home remedies are useless, such as putting toothpaste on your zits.
What does work however is treating the root cause of acne and so handling acne before it even appears on the skin. So what is this root cause? It is simply a hormonal imbalance. By balancing the hormones that specifically cause acne you can clear up your skin permanently and you can do so totally naturally.
So what causes imbalanced hormones? One factor that causes imbalanced hormones and therefore acne are certain foods. The worst of these foods is vegetable oil. There a few vegetable oils used as a food ingredient such as sunflower oil and these should be avoided. This one change dramatically cleared up the worst of my acne and I was delighted to never suffer again from the cystic acne I was getting. By avoiding vegetable oil you can get rid of the worst of your acne and this is just one of the things you can do to balance your hormones.
Vegetable oils like sunflower oil are commonly used as a cooking oil and you should avoid doing so and instead use butter as it doesn't cause hormonal imbalance like vegetable oils do. Another place these oils are found are junk foods like cookies and potato chips and for this reason you should check the ingredients label on the foods you buy to check there is no vegetable oil listed on them. Some pre-packaged meals also use vegetable oil. Again by checking the label you can easily avoid this ingredient.
Another way to balance your hormones is to avoid stress. It's important to combat stress using any of the common and effective stress reducing tactics. These include getting exercise, even if just a short walk everyday, playing sports, doing meditation or doing anything you find relaxing.everyday.
I've written just a couple of the ways to balance your hormones. There are many other ways to do so and by balancing your hormones you'll see a quick and permanent cure to your acne just like I did.
Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.