Sudden Change Scar ZoneA Acne Treatment & Scar Diminishing Cream with Green Tea for Sensitive Skin, .5 oz. Review and Price
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Read new customers Sudden Change Scar ZoneA Acne Treatment & Scar Diminishing Cream with Green Tea for Sensitive Skin, .5 oz. personally
Sudden Change Scar ZoneA Acne Treatment & Scar Diminishing Cream with Green Tea for Sensitive Skin, .5 oz. information
2% Salicylic Acid - Green Tea- Silicone. Treat acne & reduce scars. All-in-one medicated cream, eliminates pimples & redness. Reduce visible signs and symptoms of acne breakouts & scars. Begin to quickly diminish acne pimples & redness, scarring brown spots while using aid of Scar ZoneA Acne Cream. Clear, smooth skin is the goal. Regular use, twice-a-day, on the entire acne-prone area helps prevent future breakouts. Super Green Tea's antioxidant polyphenols EGCG help restore the damaged skin cell. Scar ZoneA creates existing blemishes-helps prevent new breakouts-helps diminish existing acne scars & marks. It may be worn under makeup or clothing given it won't stain.
Sudden Change Scar ZoneA Acne Treatment & Scar Diminishing Cream with Green Tea for Sensitive Skin, .5 oz. Product Features
Smooths, softens and diminishes the appearance of scars, burns, acne and strechmarks.
Works on new wounds that have healed and older sccars that are still visible.
Sudden Change Scar ZoneA Acne Treatment & Scar Diminishing Cream with Green Tea for Sensitive Skin, .5 oz. List Price: $7.90
Price: $4.92
You Save: $2.98 (38%)
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