Friday, January 7, 2011

Natural Acne Remedies You Can Try At Home

Whether you're an adult or a teenager, you've probably had at least a mild case of acne in your life, right? And they probably just went away, eventually, all by themselves, too. That's often the case.

But are you one of that growing number of people--both youth and adults--who have had or are now having a serious problem with acne but don't know what to do with it? Good news: There are some really effective natural remedies you can implement at home that won't cause you extra expense. One involves improving your diet and one involves your peace of mind.

Stress is a major cause of acne, and we all know that stress can be reduced by a good diet. That means having at least 60 percent of your diet as natural, raw vegetables and fruits.

Sound like a lot? Not really. That percentage USED TO BE 80-95 percent for most Americans, but now we buy far too much by consulting our sweet tooth. That's a truly major culprit of the problem. You see, when our bodies are too busy coping with that unnatural form of sugar we're eating (read, candy), then that takes energy away from our bodies first defense: our skin. So improving your diet is a solid part of the natural acne remedy.

Peace of mind? Well, do whatever you can to reduce tension, including getting your relationship with God straight. Pray a lot, read a lot of religious material for your faith, and do your best to be on good terms with all the people in your life. Being "a good guy" is not only morally good for you--but it's also good for you physically, especially for your acne problems!

How about that!!! Who'd have guessed the solution for would be so simple?!!!

View the original article here


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