Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ways to Cure Acne Naturally

Every day scientists discover more problems with the very medications created in a lab to cure various conditions. That is why more and more people are looking for ways to cure acne naturally. They do not want harsh chemicals introduced into their system or unnecessary antibiotics that may cause problems later in their life. They simply do not want the embarrassment of acne and the scarring later to remind them of the outbreak.

Use of antibiotics for acne can relieve the problem for a while. It returns however, when the bacterial species Propionibacterium acnes becomes resistant to the antibiotic and you have to switch to a new one. Chronic use of antibiotics creates the potential for super bugs, allergies, birth defects if used by pregnant women and gastrointestinal problems.

Other prescriptions include oral contraceptives with the potential for blood clots and migraines, topical applications that contain retinoids and antimicrobials, which dry the skin and isotretinoin with far more severe side effects. Accutane, the trade name for isotretinoin, sometimes causes chest pain, vision problems, vomiting, elevated cholesterol, depression and severe birth defects if taken by a pregnant woman. It is no wonder people want to cure acne naturally.

Natural cures work on the root of the problem. Not everyone has the same reason for their acne, but everyone that has acne has some sort of imbalance in their body. Some people have hormonal imbalances, others have nutritional requirements not met and still others have the inability to fight off the germ that causes acne.

No matter what the cause of your acne, there are natural cures that you can use to avoid another outbreak. You simply have to find the right ones. Diet is one method. Your diet not only controls the nutritional balance of your body, it also, in many ways controls the hormonal balance.

Many natural cures focus on the right foods to consume and the results are often quite dramatic. Changing your diet helps to change your body's underlying chemical composition. By doing this, you change the environment on your skin and a bacterium often does not have a chance to take its toll.

Other natural cures deal directly with the immune system. The theory behind this is to make your system more effective at fighting the germs that cause the acne in the first place. Herbs, vitamins and other phytonutrients help create a more active immune system and a healthier you. This type of natural cure improves not just the skin but also your entire body.

Compared to prescription medication, the natural cures are far safer since they often build the body's resistance, normalize the chemical balance of the body and improve the structure of the skin. It simply makes sense to fight the ravages of acne with a method that does not damage the body but builds it to a healthier you. Unlike the home remedies of yesteryear, many of the natural cures have a scientific basis for the recommendations. When you cure acne naturally, you use sound scientific principals and good health practices.

Looking for more information on how to cure acne naturally? Josh Mason has all the information on what works and what is just a waste of time and money. Check out many other possible cures for your all types of acne including the best cure for acne remedies.


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