Saturday, May 14, 2011

Is There a Right Acne Rosacea Cure?

Here is the sad truth: there is no definite acne rosacea cure. In fact, there is no treatment at all. However, there are ways on how you can prevent it from happening to you.

A Little Education Goes a Long Way

Before we get into the prevention tips, let us talk about acne rosacea a bit. A lot of people think that this is just like acne. They are actually two different things. While acne can occur usually during the teenage years, rosacea can attack those who are already in their thirties until fifties. Moreover, when one has rosacea, he or she does not have blackheads and whiteheads, which are common signs of acne.

Rosacea can affect the forehead, cheeks, chin, and nose. In fact, it can make your nose bloated. It can also affect the eyes, making you more vulnerable to light. The redness is usually caused by dilated or enlarged tiny blood vessels of the skin. Because they are already so blown up, they already become so visible by the naked eye.

So How Do You Prevent It?

First, you should know that because acne and rosacea are not really on the same page, you cannot make use of the common anti-acne products that are being sold over the counter. However, you can go for antibiotics like metronidazole and tetracycline for your rosacea. If you are unsure of what kind of medication to use, you can always approach your doctor.

You may also want to prevent yourself from using chemical-based facial care products. As much as possible, you do not want to irritate your skin, which can cause the start of rosacea or worsen the condition that you already have. There are plenty of natural skin care brands that you can purchase in the market. They are rich of herbal extracts and nutrients that are definitely needed by the skin cells for nourishment and rejuvenation. They can even reduce the swelling, infection, and inflammation of your skin.

If you are a smoker, it is time for you to stop the habit. You should also avoid drinking hot beverages or alcohol, as well as eating spicy food. These, among other things, can cause your face to flush, and it is often the start of the rosacea cycle.

There could be no absolute cure for your rosacea, but there are plenty of ways on how you can prevent it from worsening.

Want to get acne rosacea cure? Check out this website and find out best method to get your acne scars treatments that works.


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