Monday, May 30, 2011

Top Acne Skin Care Tips For A Healthier Skin

Acne is a very common skin problem which affects millions of people worldwide. It is quite an embarrassing condition which can cause serious damage to your looks. Medical professionals in recent past have done extensive research on ways to prevent acne breakout and they have come out with some skin care tips which can help in improving your overall skin health and reduce if not prevent the chances of acne problems.

Acne mostly affects the back, chest, neck and face area of the skin both on the outer and the inner layer and it is mainly associated with young men and women. Let us now lay out some of the important skin care tips which can help in controlling as well as prevent acne.

1. Keep Your Skin Clean

This is a very important acne prevention tip because cleaning your skin regularly will wash away acne causing bacteria from the skin. It is advisable to use a mild cleanser to wash your face two times a day, some people suggest scrubbing your skin to clear acne but it is not a very wise thing to do as it damages the skin and causes acne breakout.

2. Avoid Touching Your Face

Most of us have a habit of touching our face regularly ignoring the fact completely that our hands touch a lot of things consistently and pick up many types of bacteria which can sometimes cause skin problems.

3. Take Help of Natural Herbs

Acne can also be caused due to impurities in blood hence the intake of herbs like neem and amla help greatly in improving your skin tone by purifying the blood.

4. Water

Most celebrities attribute their glowing skin look to water. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water everyday will not only prevent skin problems but will also help in keeping you active, hydrated and prevent digestive problems such as constipation.

Do you suffer from acne. Find out how you can get rid of it visit


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