Sunday, March 20, 2011

How to Naturally Cure Acne - Persuade Your Inner Self and Conquer Your Acne Demons

The infamous skin condition they call acne. Acne can be both troublesome and extremely embarrassing. It can also decrease your social status and can evidently lower your self esteem. It is well known to harm you in both an emotional and physical sense. You're probably using medical treatments that your dermatologist prescribed to you but you know there not working purely from observing that your break-outs are not disappearing at all. Have natural remedies ever crossed your mind? What I'm about to share with you is some simple, inexpensive effective ways to naturally cure your acne and finally condone acne to a complete stop.

1. Vitamin A intake - Vitamin A enriched foods strengthens the protective tissue across your skin thus preventing acne to occur. A deficiency in Vitamin A could possibly be one of the main reasons why acne occurs on your skin in the first place. Vitamin A enriched foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, spinach and certain cheese will ensure more durability on your protective tissue of your skin and further prevent acne from enlarging.

2. Zinc enriched foods - A more intake of zinc enriched foods will stop acne break-outs. Zinc is an anti-bacterial mineral and is a necessary element in your oil glands of the skin. Zinc foods such as all your regular meat foods and groups, fish and most dairy products are good to intake.

3. Do not irritate your black-heads or pimples - By squeezing, picking, touching and scratching pimples and/or black-heads is a no-no. By bursting a pimple, you are actually spreading the bacteria which further more causes infection. The end results've guessed it, more pimples.

4. Wash twice a day with a non-oil based soap - Wash your face once in the morning when you wake up and once in the evening right before bed. Make sure you use non-oil based soap and don't scrub to hard and dry too harshly. Be gentle around the infected areas to avoid stimulation of the pimples.

By applying these extremely easy methods to eliminate acne naturally, you'll be surprised to see positive results fairly quickly and live a life of fulfillment and happiness. No more will you be emotionally and physically scarred, but living the life you ought to be enjoying.

If you'd like to further learn more key secrets to naturally cure acne, then follow onto my website where I go more in-depth and provide you the necessary information to completely remove your acne.


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