Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Beat Teenage Acne

Pay Attention. This is one of the very most important things you will learn about acne!

It's not your fault. Acne is caused by a multiple combination of factors happening within your body. Almost all of the reasons for the causes of teenage acne are quite simply a hormonal reaction to physical changes within your body.

It is very common for teenagers to suffer from acne, although many adults also fight daily against the condition.

All home remedies and pharmaceutical treatments attack three main causes of acne. (1) Blocked pores, (2) Bacterial infection, and (3) reduction of the amount of oil on the skin.

Topical applications such as pharmaceutical products usually come in the form of gels, creams, potions and lotions, which are generally applied to the affected skin area. The active ingredients in all these products are nearly identical. Sorry to have to tell you that but if you read the ingredients list you will discover that they are all roughly the same except that the quantities of chemicals and the perfumes within them are the only variants.

Typically these chemicals are mainly sulfur, benzoyl peroxide, and resorcinol. Some huge brands that you will see on the TV and Internet are more costly but yet again the only real difference is their marketing budgets. Oh and just for good measure benzoyl peroxide is a bleach, do you fancy applying bleach to already inflamed skin?

One of the biggest selling products has a page on it's website devoted to it's ingredients. What does it list? Magnesium Aluminum Silicate.

Yes that is it! JUST ONE, and by the way that particular chemical is just a stabiliser which is found in many different products.

So what are you to do? well you could try lifestyle moderation this is well known to have a positive effect on acne but try telling a teenager NO alcohol, regular eight hours sleep, a gallon of water a day, no smoking, eat plenty of vegetables, no junk food, no pizza, you are going to have a fight on your hands one way or another.

Nobody can stop their oil glands from producing oil, nobody can stop teenage hormones from running wildly out of control. Just about the only thing you can do is to remove the oil on the surface of the skin to help reduce the shine and stop the pores from becoming blocked.

No matter what you call them, Acne, zits, pimples, black heads, white heads or blemishes. Acne is often distressing and disheartening for young people. Acne lesions can also take an awful long time to heal.

Depending on the severity of the condition, acne can cause emotional distress and depression. The good news is that there is a proven one hundred percent holistic effective treatment available now! The earlier treatment is implemented, the lower your chance of any lasting physical or emotional harm.

What you will find is the work of a former severe acne sufferer who reveals the only holistic acne cure there is. You will discover how to remove your acne permanently and regain your natural clear skin. This is a completely unique step by step method that you will not find anywhere else.

Please visit ACNE NO MORE to discover how to beat teenage acne the holistic way.

View the original article here


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