Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ten Really Effective Acne Cure Tips For Treating Mild to Severe Acne

The overproduction of oil in the skin's oil glands is what leads to acne. Acne and its inflammation usually occur in adolescence in practically everyone; there are however also some people who suffer from acne problems even in later on during adulthood.

So if you are one of those unlucky sufferers of acne, here are some acne cure tips you could use for treating, and preventing acne.

Drinking as much water as possible is an important acne sure tip. Drinking water can help flush out all the bodies toxins, plus it is a good way to help your skin and your body.

Antioxidants are very helpful in preventing and treating acne, make it a point to eat a plentiful amount of fruits and vegetables. Besides fruit juices, herbal teas such as green tea can help fight acne because it contains a decent amount of the required antioxidants.

Besides fruits, green leafy vegetables are also great as an acne cure as it too is full of antioxidants. Green leafy vegetables not only cure acne, but also help at purifying the body.

As your body tends to get dehydrated when you sleep, it is always better to drink as much water as possible before you sleep at night, do not over do it if you have a sensitive or overactive bladder, just drink a small amount of liquid before bed time.

Take vitamin E capsules they can be good for the skin and provide protection from acne.

Leading a stress free life, yes it is difficult but stress can actually trigger acne. A relaxed mind and temperament helps reduce acne attacks. Yoga is a great stress buster and helps you stay healthy. So try regular yoga as an acne cure.

Before taking a bath, try applying a mixture of tomato pulp, honey and water to your face. Leave it on for about half an hour before washing it off.

If you have a habit of wearing make up, reduce heavy make use as it only clogs pores, and helps trigger an acne breakout. It's better to try and use natural products.

If you have long hair, keep it away from your face as the oil of your hair can help in the formation of acne.

Any pimples you have shouldn't be pricked at as it only increases the incidence of pimples.

A combination of these acne cures can help in treating and preventing acne problems and outbreaks. However if your acne still persists despite all this, it is a good idea to a local dermatologist for more effective and stronger acne cure solutions.

The complete acne treatment guide, buy acne treatment products online, learn how to treat mild to severe acne with products that are not harmful to your skin or body, for more info visit


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