Thursday, June 2, 2011

Permanent Cure For Acne - Is There a Such Thing As a Permanent Cure For Acne?

Acne is not picky about who it affects.

Rich or poor, young and old, acne can be painful and embarrassing. And the worst part is, it's hard to get rid of.

In this article I'm going to talk about how you can find that permanent cure for acne you've been looking for.

The Cause of Acne

I'm sure you've heard of a million different things that cause acne. Oily skin, greasy food, chocolate, even stress. Well these things might contribute to worsening acne, but the actual cause is more complex than that.

Acne is caused by a hormonal unbalance which creates excess oil on your face. Oil traps dirt and dead skin cells and causes the hair follicles and pores on our faces to become clogged. We call these blackheads.

We all have microscopic bacteria living on our skin called Propionibacterium Acnes. These bacteria thrive in dirty environments and get trapped in the blackheads. When the body senses these bacteria in your pours it attacks them with white blood cells and inflames the blackhead, turning into a nasty whitehead or a Pimple.

How You Can Cure Acne

Hygiene plays a huge roll in acne for most people, but some people have it worse. These people have hormones that are badly out of balance.

Many things can cause unbalanced hormones. Diet, stress, toxins in our bodies even. That's why the best way to combat acne is to wash your face twice a day (and not more than 3), eat healthy, and exercise.

Chemicals can help balance hormones, but there are also many healthy and natural alternatives. These natural alternatives are equally good and even better than chemicals at providing a permanent cure for acne.

A Few Quick Tips to Get You Started

A few quick tips to getting you on your way to a permanent cure for acne are:

o Wear clean clothes, bathe daily, and wash your bedding frequently

o Keep your hair out of your face

o Take a multivitamin

o Avoid greasy foods

o Don't touch your face or pick at your acne

o Moisturize

o Drink lots of water and eat more fruits and vegetables

Now some of these things may seem simple and you won't see much effectiveness from just doing one or another, but when combined they can be powerful tools to help you with your permanent cure for acne.

Pennies don't seem like much, but they can ad up to dollars!

Clearing up acne is more than just a one time's a lifestyle. What it takes is willingness to devote to a healthier lifestyle and you can have clear, blemish-free, skin.

The choice is yours.

Did you know that over 17 million people today struggle with serious acne?

Feel like you've tried everything and still having trouble with pimples?

Don't give up yet!

Click Here for the best permanent cure for acne.

Why dread looking in the mirror anymore? Click Here to Cure Acne for good!


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