Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Simple Tips to Cure Back Acne

Contrary to popular belief acne or pimples can and do appear in parts of the body other than the face and neck. Normally in addition to face and neck acne appears in back, chest, and ears. In fact many of us do not realize back acne most of time since it is not visible in the mirror unless specifically looked for. To cure back acne and identify the method most suitable for your skin type, you first need to understand why acne and back pimples occur. 

Acne irrespective of body parts where it appears happens when the sebaceous glands beneath the skin are infected with oily toxic matter which normally comprise of dead skin, bacteria and excess sebum oil. Through the pores of the skin, oil is secreted by these glands thereby keeping the skin moisturized and lubricated .This also protects your skin from environmental pollution and drying. However if your skin pores are clogged for whatever reason then the toxic waste accumulates and stays in the body itself resulting in acne or pimples.

Back acne primarily occurs due to excess perspiration. The trapped sweat on your back results in skin pores being clogged and appearance of back acne . To cure back acne you therefore need to ensure that your sweating is under control and you take a shower to get rid of sweat whenever you undertake heavy physical activity. In summers it is best if you bathe twice a day, once in the morning and once in the night before you retire to bed.

There are a number of natural remedies available to cure back acne. These are age old methods existing since our grandmothers times. Tree tea oil is one such remedy which helps in keeping the skin dry. To have best effects apply a thin layer of tea tree oil two to three times every day.

To cure back acne one needs to pay particular attention to hygiene since sweat is the primary cause in most cases of back acne. Therefore if you are suffering from back acne.

o Ensure that you wash your back and cleanse it thoroughly. Quite often soap or shampoo if not rinsed off properly may clog the skin pores on your back and result in back pimples.

o Pay attention to the type of clothes you wear. Cotton fabric is the most skin friendly. Provided weather permits stick to cotton garments which are loose fitting. Tight clothes and snug collars make you sweat more and hence will only result in more acne.

o Drink at least eight to ten glasses of water throughout the day. This will help in removing toxins from your body.

o Stick to an exercise schedule and try to incorporate at least thirty minutes of moderate exercise like brisk walking or cycling five times a week.

o Eat junk food as an exception. For acne back treatment to be successful, you must watch what you eat. Your daily diet must include four to five helpings of fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid greasy, fried foodstuff as far as possible.

That is not all . There are a number of remedies now available which you can use easily to get rid of acne irrespective of the body part where it appears. For more information on one such remedy visit

Andrea San is a health expert and has specialised in nature cure for medical ailments


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